Cash Splashers enjoy shopping, embrace debt and take investment risks. They prefer the latest technology, luxury cars and brand-name clothes over bargains. Tip: Shop less, save more. Check out this blog for five college finance tips that can help you save money.
Balance Jockeys often spend more than they earn, leading to debt and poor credit scores. Tip: Be more conscious of your spending and credit score. Check out this blog to learn about the time it takes to rebuild credit.
Penny Protectors are cautious savers who budget carefully, often using coupons, conserving electricity and seeking deals. Tip: Use moderation; being too conservative may mean missing out on high-return investments. Check out this blog for seven tips for investing wisely in uncertain times.
Future Builders are savvy investors who make their money work for them. They make careful decisions, take measured risks and stay mindful of long-term goals and opportunities. Tip: Keep up the good work! Check out our investment options.
Cautious Keepers worry about their finances and don’t feel confident about them. They tend to worry about money whether they have enough or not. Tip: Find ways to ease your worries and boost your confidence about money. Check out this blog for ten ways to build a healthy relationship with money.